“Put blinders onto those things that conspire to hold you back, especially the ones in your own head.”

-Meryl Streep

Get to know Victoria


Victoria is always looking for new ways to further her education. Her life in the arts started in pre-school when she serenaded the teachers with her flawless rendition of “Yellow Submarine.”


Victoria is interested in the inner workings of a theatre, and has experience in casting, company management, theatre administration, and business management. Check out her resume!


Connection is the foundation of creativity, and Victoria prides herself on being able to find common ground with anyone and everyone she meets. She finds inspiration in the humanizing power of theatre, and believes that it allows audiences and performers alike to consider new perspectives and foster empathy.

Victoria’s Other Passions

  • Sustainability!

  • Chocolate chip cookies!

  • Listening to silly podcasts!

  • Napping!

  • Collecting Trinkets!

  • Feminism!